I like planning things ahead, especially in travelling or working for an event. Yup, I'm a little control freak. But I guess sometimes, unplanned trips are the ones that turn out pretty well.

The weather from the past weeks were really unpredictable. One day it's freezing cold, one day it's humid, and then other days were raining and the worst was sand storm. So obviously, it's difficult for me to plan ahead for a road trip. My husband just told me that, if the weather is fine on a Friday morning, then we go. And that's it! The weather was perfect so we traveled early to Dubai and went straight to Dubai Miracle Garden.

Dubai Miracle Garden is a man-made flower garden which showcases a wide variety of different flowers that are arranged in different shapes. It only opens during winter here in UAE. The landscapes were superb and the bright lively colors are really breathtaking.

We've visited Dubai Miracle Garden in 2014 which I posted in my previous post. I look tired then because I shoot my brother and my sister-in-law's pre-nuptial photos.

No, we don't have a photographer. I just brought my camera tripod and set it on a timer. And since I'm the one who suggested for our photo shoot, I was a little exhausted setting the camera and running for a nice pose. My DSLR camera was not compatible with a wireless remote so I have to rely on my camera timer :( Plus I have to asked people not to photobomb on our pictures.

Here are some of our colorful photos :)

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