Product Review : The Camel Soap Factory

I received a small bag of goodies from The Camel Soap Factory last week and I was so excited to try something new for my skin. With all the chemically processed products that I usually use, it will be a breath of fresh air for my skin to have a natural cleansing experience.

I have sensitive skin and I'm finding it more and more products that are too harsh to use on a daily basis. With a little research, I found out that camel milk contains vital immune properties and is a natural source of alpha-hydroxy acids for softening the skin, keeping it supple, smooth and preventing wrinkles; it contains more proteins, vitamins, and minerals than any other type of milk; and it also contains natural antibacterial and helps to heal infections. There are so many good components of camel milk that can highly benefit our skin. You may find more details about camel milk soap through The Camel Soap Factory website. I have read that they used a natural handmade process to get a pure and unique soap.

The camel milk soaps come in a range of scents. What I got were, Castile Soap in Sweet lemon scent, Luxury Oriental Soap in Oud scent, and Unscented Face bar soap.

The oud and sweet lemon soap smelt quite obvious but once I had it lathered up and on my face though, the strong smell fades fairly quickly too. I’ve alternately used each soap and I personally like the sweet lemon scent and unscented face bar soap for my face. I used the oud scent on my body for a quick night shower and it did the same smooth and soft effect all-over my body.

I rubbed the soap with plain warm water in my hands and on to my face. After it's washed off, my skin feels really soft and moisturized, definitely no tightness in my face at all. I’ve been using it for few days now on my face and it is fantastic for gentle exfoliation and the softness of my skin doesn't disappear as the day goes on. It indeed shows significance in how smooth my skin feels.

With their delicately handcrafted soap that are truly award-wining, The Camel Soap Factory definitely redefines the essentials of staying beautiful, simple and promotes healthy skin.

Have you tried any beauty products derived from camel milk? Can you share some feedback on you experience? 

The Camel Soap Factory LLC
P O Box 391584, Dubai
United Arab Emirates               
Office: +971 4 393 1312

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